Laser Bacterial Reduction (LBR): Before any routine cleaning it may be warranted to use a laser to eliminate bacteria from the periodontal pocket. By using laser bacterial reduction techniques, you can prevent cross-contamination in the mouth and help encourage healthy reattachment of the gum tissue.
Sulcular Debridement: A diode laser can be used to selectively remove diseased epithelium without harm to the healthy tissue, allowing the healthy tissue to regenerate. In some cases pocket depths can be reduced from
Desensitization: A thin layer of fluoride can be applied to the sensitive area, using a diode laser to perform biostimulation therapy. Occlude the varnish into the dentinal tubules to reduce dentinal sensitivity for up to 1 year.
Frenectomy: Bloodless and suture-free release of the maxillary or mandibular frenums can be performed with a diode laser. A frenectomy prevents the need for future grafting by stopping the migration of gingival tissue, improving access for oral hygiene, as well as correcting speech impediments.
Gingivectomy: Removal of hyperplastic tissue can be done quickly and effectively without the use of sutures or scalpels. Final impressions for restorations can be completed in the same appointment, leading to predictable results with no additional patient discomfort or annoyance.
Hyperplasia: Precisely and effectively remove the pseudopockets and perform gingival contouring to improve esthetics and oral hygiene, all without local anesthesia, discomfort or bleeding by using a diode laser. This saves time and money with no need to refer out to a cosmetic dentist or oral surgeon.
Implant Recovery: A diode laser allows for quick, easy, and safe removal of excessive gingival tissue around the implant that might otherwise interfere with proper seating at the implant/retainer, making it more stable. Unlike other methods, there is no fear of sparking or heat transferring to the implant which could cause it to fail over time.
Destruction of a Lesion: A diode laser used for lesion destruction has several advantages over the scalpel. A diode laser will obtain good hemostasis, a bloodless field, and allow for faster healing while reducing the risk of infection.